4 research outputs found

    Detection of Motorcycle Headlights Using YOLOv5 and HSV

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    "Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement" (ETLE) denotes a mechanism that employs electronic technologies to implement traffic regulations. This commonly entails utilizing a range of electronic apparatuses like cameras, sensors, and automated setups to oversee and uphold traffic protocols, administer fines, and enhance road security. ETLE systems are frequently utilized for identifying and sanctioning infractions like exceeding speed limits, disregarding red lights, and turning off the headlights. In Indonesia, there is currently no dedicated system designed to detect traffic violation, especially regarding vehicle headlights. Therefore, this research was conducted to detect vehicle headlights using digital images. With the results of this study, it will be possible to develop a system capable of classifying whether vehicle headlights are on or off. This research employed the deep learning method in the form of the YOLOv5 model, which achieved an accuracy of 94.12% in detecting vehicle images. Furthermore, the white color extraction method was performed by projecting the RGB space to HSV to detect the Region of Interest (ROI) of the vehicle headlights, achieving an accuracy of 73.76%. The results of this vehicle headlight detection are influenced by factors such as lighting, image capture angle, and vehicle type


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the industry, such as layoffs. Employees affected by layoffs fulfill their daily needs by becoming MSME actors in the hope of becoming a source of income. Telkom CDC (Community Development Center) is a division of PT Telkom Indonesia as a distributor of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds for MSMEs in the Surabaya area. Based on an interview with the Telkom CDC Manager as an MSME supervisor, he provided information about the problem of soft loan funds being channeled to MSME actors who did not return, because their business was not yet profitable. This is because business actors do not evaluate and improve their business. In addition, during the pandemic, training for MSME actors was also very limited so MSME actors' knowledge, especially on effective marketing, was also lacking. They cannot keep up with the digitalization and packaging trends that attract consumer interest and trust in the products offered. Therefore, we try to provide solutions from the marketing side by providing digital marketing training and the application of green marketing in the form of attractive environmentally friendly packaging.One of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on industries such as layoffs. Employees affected by layoffs fulfill their daily needs by becoming MSME actors in the hope of becoming a source of income. Telkom CDC (Community Development Center) is a division of PT Telkom Indonesia as a distributor of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds for MSMEs in the Surabaya area. Based on an interview with the Telkom CDC Manager as an MSME supervisor, he provided information about the problem of soft loan funds being channeled to MSME actors who did not return, because their business was not yet profitable. This is because business actors do not evaluate and improve their business. In addition, during the pandemic, training for MSME actors was also very limited so MSME actors' knowledge, especially on effective marketing, was also lacking. They cannot keep up with the digitalization and packaging trends that attract consumer interest and trust in the products offered. Therefore, we try to provide solutions from the marketing side by providing digital marketing training and the application of green marketing in the form of attractive environmentally friendly packaging.


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    Posyandu Dinoyo is one of the posyandu located in Malang City, East Java. Until now, Posyandu Dinoyo is still active in carrying out posyandu activities. However, in carrying out these activities, Dinoyo Posyandu cadres find it difficult. Posyandu cadres collect public health data on health cards. Posyandu cadres are required to keep these cards. Posyandu cadres have difficulty finding a resident's health document. Posyandu cadres are also worried if the card is lost or damaged. Posyandu cadres must also provide data collection results to puskesmas officers every month. Therefore, the IT Telkom Surabaya community service team created a system that was able to facilitate posyandu cadres in carrying out their duties. Our team has created a system that can record people's health and their health. In addition, data can be exported in PDF and excel formats for monthly reporting. After the system is complete, Posyandu cadres can easily save each inspection data into the system without the need to prepare a form to store inspection data. Posyandu cadres can easily control health data and easily access or search for desired patient data. Where previously they had to search in the pile of documents that were quite a lot. Reports of inspection results can be easily made because the system has provided tools to print reports that are ready to be submitted to the Puskesmas.Posyandu Dinoyo merupakan salah satu posyandu yang berada di Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Hingga saat ini Posyandu Dinoyo masih aktif dalam melakukan kegiatan posyandu. Namun dalam melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut, kader posyandu dinoyo merasa kesulitan. Kader posyandu melakukan pendataan Kesehatan masyarakat pada kartu Kesehatan. Kader posyandu diharuskan menyimpan kartu-kartu tersebut. Kader posyandu kesulitan Ketika harus mencari dokumen Kesehatan seorang warga. Kader posyandu juga khawatir jika kartu tersebut hilang atau rusak. Kader posyandu juga harus memberikan hasil pendataan kepada petugas puskesmas setiap bulan. Oleh karena itu tim pengabdian masyarakat IT Telkom Surabaya membuat sistem yang mampu memudahkan kader posyandu dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Tim kami membuat sistem yang dapat mendata masyarakat dan kesehatannya. Selain itu data dapat di ekspor dalam bentuk PDF dan excel untuk pelaporan setiap bulannya. Setelah sistem tersebut selesai, kader Posyandu dapat dengan mudah menyimpan setiap data hasil pemeriksaan kedalam sistem tanpa perlu menyiapkan form untuk menyimpan data pemeriksaan. Kader Posyandu dapat dengan mudah mengontrol data-data kesehatan dan dengan mudah mengakses atau mencari data pasien yang diinginkan. Dimana sebelumnya mereka harus mencari di tumpukan dokumen yang jumlahnya cukup banyak. Pelaporan hasil pemeriksaan dapat dengan mudah dibuat dikarenakan didalam sistem telah disediakan tools untuk mencetak laporan yang siap diserahkan kepada pihak Puskesmas